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A Launchbox service's launch.yaml file can be configured to create resources for each site that uses the service. You specify what resources your application requires and configuration details will be provided to each site via environment variables.

The three kinds of resources offered are:

  • Databases (currently supporting PostgreSQL)
  • Caches (currently supporting Redis)
  • Storage (currently supporting Amazon S3, or services that follow S3 API)


In your launch.yaml file, add a top-level resources object with a number of resource objects that are named with an identifier of your choosing. Each entry must have a type property, which can be either postgres, redis, or s3. You can specify multiple resources of the same type, if needed.


    type: postgres
    type: postgres
    type: redis
    type: s3


When Launchbox encounters the resources object in the launch.yaml file of a service or site it's deploying, it will create those services (or verify that they are already present) and create the environment variables that are unique to each site.

Given the example configuration above, each site using this service would be given the following variables:

  • Postgres databases:
    • LB_database1_type
    • LB_database1_hostname
    • LB_database1_port
    • LB_database1_name
    • LB_database1_username
    • LB_database1_password
    • LB_database2_type
    • LB_database2_hostname
    • LB_database1_port
    • LB_database2_name
    • LB_database2_username
    • LB_database2_password
  • Redis cache:
    • LB_cache1_type
    • LB_cache1_url
    • LB_cache1_prefix
  • S3 storage:
    • LB_storage1_type
    • LB_storage1_bucket

Service applications can then use these environment variables in their code to ensure that each site can access its own individual resources.

For example, a Django application would want to set its DATABASES setting like so:

    "default": {
        "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
        "HOST": os.environ.get("LB_database1_hostname"),
        "PORT": os.environ.get("LB_database1_port"),
        "NAME": os.environ.get("LB_database1_name"),
        "USER": os.environ.get("LB_database1_username"),
        "PASSWORD": os.environ.get("LB_database1_password"),


Django users – for even easier integration with Django, check out our django-launchbox helper package!

Additional notes

  • For services where postgresql resources are configured, Launchbox will create a separate database for each site that uses the service.
  • For services where s3 resources are configured, Launchbox will create a separate bucket for each site that uses the service.