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Core Concepts

Launchbox provides a platform for running one or more services, each of which may have multiple tenant sites that belong to it. Services can provide resources to their sites (such as databases, caches, or object storage) and utilize plugins to provide shared infrastructure to them. Launchbox also has a built-in Management Dashboard, a web app that provides a UI for managing sites and services.

Let's look at each of these in some more detail.


Services are the heart of Launchbox. In concrete terms, a service is any Git repository that provides a website – whether that's a collection of static files or a database-backed application – that Launchbox can clone and use to spin up a website. Turning an existing repository into a Launchbox service can be as simple as adding a launch.yaml file that tells Launchbox how to configure and run the service.

When a service is deployed for the first time or a new deployment is triggered to update the service code, Launchbox will look at launch.yaml and do two things: (1) set up any resources its sites may need, and (2) run any necessary commands specified in the setup phase, such as migrating database schemas.

Services can be used to create one or more sites that Launchbox will serve. In cases where a service requires a database or other resources, the application code will also need to be modified to use a different database for each site that uses the service.

For more details, see the Services page.


A site is a single instance of a service, available at a unique hostname. It may be the only instance of a service (for example, a static documentation page), or it may be one of hundreds (for example, an internal department site backed by a CMS).

Sites are created and managed on the Management Dashboard, where you can choose a service to use, assign a hostname, and more, depending on what kind of service it uses.


A Launchbox service's launch.yaml file can be configured to create resources for each site that uses the service. The three kinds of resources offered are:

  • Databases (currently supporting PostgreSQL)
  • Caches (currently supporting Redis)
  • Storage (currently supporting Amazon S3, or services that follow S3 API)

For more details, see the Resources page.


Launchbox operators can install plugins to help services and sites integrate with providers of things like identity, authentication, and SSL certificates. For example, at JPL we have closed-source plugins that connect Launchbox to our LDAP directory, SAML single-sign-on service, and internal SSL certificate generator.

For more details, see the Plugins page.

The Management Dashboard

Running locally on, this dashboard is where you can add and manage services, sites, and plugins.

(insert image of dashboard homepage)

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