ionsecrc - ION security database management commands file
ION security database management commands are passed to ionsecadmin either in a file of text lines or interactively at ionsecadmin's command prompt (:). Commands are interpreted line-by line, with exactly one command per line. The formats and effects of the ION security database management commands are described below.
The help command. This will display a listing of the commands and their formats. It is the same as the h command.
Comment line. Lines beginning with # are not interpreted.
e { 1 | 0 }
Echo control. Setting echo to 1 causes all output printed by ionsecadmin to be logged as well as sent to stdout. Setting echo to 0 disables this behavior.
Version number. Prints out the version of ION currently installed. HINT: combine with e 1 command to log the version number at startup.
The initialize command. Until this command is executed, the local ION node has no security database and most ionsecadmin commands will fail.
a key key_name file_name
The add key command. This command adds a named key value to the security database. The content of file_name is taken as the value of the key. Named keys can be referenced by other elements of the security database.
c key key_name file_name
The change key command. This command changes the value of the named key, obtaining the new key value from the content of file_name.
d key key_name
The delete key command. This command deletes the key identified by name.
i key key_name
This command will print information about the named key, i.e., the length of its current value.
l key
This command lists all keys in the security database.
The help command. This will display a listing of the commands and their formats. It is the same as the ? command.
a key BABKEY ./babkey.txt
Adds a new key named "BABKEY" whose value is the content of the file "./babkey.txt".